Friday, June 6, 2014

Instruments in Wondo Genet College Weather Station

1. Datalogger
Model name: Campbell Scientific Instruments (CSI) CR1000 (

2. Soil temperature probe
Survival Range: –50 to 100 °C
Measurement Range: –35 to 50 °C
Worst case:
±0.4 °C (–24 to 48 °C)
±0.9 °C (–35 to 50 °C)

Interchangeability Error:
±0.10 °C (0 to 50 °C)
±0.20 °C at –10 °C
±0.30 °C at –20 °C
±0.40 °C at –30 °C
±0.50 °C at –40 °C

3. Soil moisture measurement
Model name: CSI CS650 Water Content Reflectometer (
Volumetric Water Content (VWC) Range: 5% to 50%
Accuracy ±3% VWC typical in mineral soils where solution EC ≤ 3 dS/m
Precision < 0.05%

4. Air temperature and Relative Humidity
Model name: CSI HC2S3 temperature and Relative Humidity Probe (
Temperature Measurement Range: -50
°C to +100°C (default -40°C to + 60°C)
Accuracy at 23°C: ±0.1°C with standard configuration settings
Relative Humidity Measurement Range: 0 to 100% non-condensing
Accuracy at 23°C ±0.8% RH with standard configuration settings

5. Wind speed and direction
Model name: Young Wind Monitor Model 05103 (
Wind speed
Range 0 to 100 m/s (224 mph)
Distance Constant 2.7 m (8.9 ft.) for 63% recovery
Threshold Sensitivity 1.0 m/s (2.2 mph)

Wind direction
Range 360° mechanical, 355° electrical (5° open)
Delay Distance 1.3 m (4.3 ft) for 50% recovery
Threshold Sensitivity 1.1 m/s (2.5 mph) at 10° displacement

6. Pyranometer
Model name: Skye SKS1110 (
Sensor: Cosine corrected head
Detector: Silicon photocell
Sensitivity-current: 5μA/100W m-2
Working range: 0-5000 W m-2
Linearity error: < 0.2%
Cosine error: 3%

7. Precipitation
Model name: YOUNG Model 52202 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge (
Catchment area: 200 cm2
Resolution: 0.1 mm per tip
Accuracy: 2 % up to 25 mm / hr, 3% up to 50 mm/hr

8. Solar panel 
10w CSI SP10

9. Battery

10. 3m stand CSI CM10/3 with lightning protection

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